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Updated: 2024-04-28

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Monday, December 11, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023, November, December - Monday, December 11, 2023

We slept well at the Banbua Grand Udon in Udon Thani. Pia's stomach problems seem to be over.
We enjoy the good, extensive breakfast in the hotel again.

Today we leave Udon Thani and go to Chaiyaphum. We leave at about eleven o'clock for a ride of about 250 km, more than 3 hours' drive.
At approximately 3 o'clock we arrive at our next destination, Park Villa Chaiyaphume.

The hotel is located in a narrow street in a village suburb of Chaiyaphum. We can't get in, the gate is locked, and it says something about codes that we should have, but we don't have them. Fortunately, there is also a telephone number, which Pia calls. Immediately someone comes to us and we get the key for the gate and the keys for our room, a suite.
The room is simple, but clean and spacious, with an also spacious bedroom. There is no restaurant in the hotel, and actually none nearby, but there is a beautiful garden. And there is a simple breakfast.
We take a look around the village, there is a market with five or six stalls, but nowhere to eat.
We drive to a Robinson we saw along the way to eat there. There is plenty of choice and we eat at Tummour, tasty food, and we also take something with us to the hotel.
Back at the hotel we discover that there is a TV, but it can only receive YouTube and Netflix. After some searching, Pia can watch the programs she wants to watch.
We wonder what we are going to do, we have booked for two nights (approximately €21 per night). We can leave for Bangkok tomorrow or we can explore the area where there is plenty to see. We decide for the latter.
We appear to be the only guests.

Written on: 2023-12-15


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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.